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Mrs.Subathini Priyadharsan

Senior Lecturer Gr I

PhD in Management (Reading) [UoJ] | M.Sc. in Management [USJP] | BBA [EUSL]

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Academic RecordAdmin RolesExperiencesMembershipsActivityTeachingPublicationAwards
  • PhD in Management (Reading) [UoJ]
  • Master of Science in Management (MSc)/ (Specialization in HRM), University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJP), Sri Lanka, (2009).
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), (Special Degree, Class-2nd Upper), Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2005)
  • Being as Senior Lecturer GI/ Department of Business and Management Studies 03rd of April 2018 to date
  • Appointed as Head, Department of Business and Management Studies, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus with effect from 01st of March 2017 to 29th of February 2020.
  • Appointed as Acting Head of the Department of Business and Management Studies, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus from 01st of January 2017 to 28th of February 2017.
  • Being as Senior Lecturer GII/ Department of Business and Management Studies 03rd of April 2012 to 02nd of April 2018
  • Served as Lecturer/Department of Business and Management Studies 03rd of April 2007 to 02nd of April 2012
  • Served as Temporary Assistant Lecturer/ Department of Business and Management Studies 03rd of October 2005 to 02nd of April 2007
  • Appointed as an AHEAD Project Coordinator /Department of BMS from 2020.
  • Appointed as a Chairman of Faculty research Committee from 2020.
  • Organized and Preparation of the SER Report for Department of Business and Management Studies in 2018.
  • Served as a Chairperson of Faculty research committee with effect from 2016 to 2018.
  • Co-chair of the 3rd International Research Conference in Trincomalee Campus-2018.
  • Served as an External Studies Unit Coordinator with effect from 2014 to 2016.
  • Chairman of Bid opening Committee, Trincomalee Campus in 2016.
  • Served as a Chairperson of Board of study for External Degree Programme with effect from 2016 to 2019.
  • Representative of Curriculum Evaluation Committee, Eastern University with effect from 2015 to 2019.
  • Served as a Chairperson of Technical Evaluation committee in 2015.
  • Appointed as a Staff Development Center Coordinator with effect from 2012 to 2014
  • Served as a sub coordinator soft skill components/UDG/HETC project with effect from 2012 to 2013
  • Served as an External Studies Unit Coordinator with effect from 2011 to 2012
  • Served as a Junior Student Counselor in 2010
  • Member of Faculty Board, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus.
  • Member of Board of Examiner, Trincomalee Campus
  • Member of Internal Quality Assurance Cell/Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus.
  • Member of External Degree Programme/FCBS
  • Member of TEC Committee (AHEAD/LCS)
  • Member of Campus Board, Trincomalee Campus from 2017 to 2020.
  • Member of Senate, Eastern University from 2017 to 2020.
  • Member of Library Committee, Trincomalee Campus from 2017 to 2020.
  • Editorial Board Member of 3rd International Research Conference-2018.
  • Member of Certified Professional Manager (CPM) from 2018 to date.
  • Member of Silver Jubilee Committee- 2018, Trincomalee Campus.
  • Committee Member of Faculty Research Committee/ Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus from 2018 to 2020
  • Appointed as a member of Technical Evaluation Committee on 2017, Trincomalee Campus
  • Member of Trincomalee Campus Development Action Committee from 2017.
  • Member of the Editorial Board harbor Journal/ Faculty of Communication and Business Studies on 2017.
  • Member of the 1st, 2nd & 4th International Research Conference of Trincomalee Campus.
  • Member of Sport Unit-2014, Trincomalee Campus.
  • Chief Editor of Harbour Journal, Issue no-3, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies in 2013.
  • Faculty Journal Committee Member on 2009.
Workshops and seminars attended:
  • Participated “ How to make Lectures Video through Ice Cream Screen Recorder on 2020 at Trinco Campus
  • Participated the workshop “ Interactive on line learning” on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Turnitin” on 2020
  • Participated the Webinar series “ Psychology in Siddha Medicine” on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Take the mystery out of Human Capital on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Microsoft Office 365” on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Online workshop on Technology to Reach and Teach the learners” on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Effective online teaching and distance mode assessment procedures” on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Orientation training program for the new graduates appointees to the government “ on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Discussion on alternative assessment “ on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “ Discussion on online mode of examination “ on 2020
  • Participated the webinar “ Strengthening Research in Sri Lanka through Data insights and collaboration” on 2020
  • Participated the webinar “ Triangulation approaches in research” on 2020
  • Participated the workshop “Old roots, New sprouts: Building a successful career by blending the ancient with the moderan, Resource person: Prof.Nagaraj Neerchal/Vice Chancellor of Chinmaya, Vishwavidyapeethi on 2020, Trincomalee Campus.
  • Participated the “ Examination Procedure and Practices in the University System”, resource person Mr.R.Jeyakumar, Deputy Register/Vavuniya Campus on 2020.
  • Participated the “ Art of Teaching Cheerfully” conducted by SDC on 2019.
  • Participated the “ Google for Education”, resource person Dr.E.Y.A.Charles and Dr.S.Nimalaprabasan, IT laboratory, Trincomalee Campus on 2019.
  • Participated the “Awareness Programme on Agrahara Insurance Scheme” on 2019 at Auditorium, Trincomalee Campus.
  • Participated the “Mid Review Strategic Plan Meeting” on 2019, conducted by Strategic Planning Unit/Trincomalee Campus.
  • Participated the “ Role of IT&Higher Education”, resource person Dr.P.Muhupandi/Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, India on 2019.
  • Participated the workshop “ Intended Learing Outcome”, resource person Prof. Kalyani Perera/Former Director QAC/UGC at Lake Front Rest, Kantale on 2019.
  • Participated the Plagarism Software workshop on 2019, conducted by Libaray/Trincomalee Campus.
  • Participated the “Awareness of Learning Management System, conducted by Computer Unit, Trincomalee Campus on 2018
  • Participated the proposal writing “Tourism and Leisure Management” by Dr.S.Sivesan at Trincomalee campus on 2018
  • Participated the “ Leadership and Personality Development” workshop on 2018 at Naval Academy/Trincomlaee
  • Participated the “ Research Management Tools and Techniques “ on 2018 conducted by SDC/Trincomalee Campus (Resource Person Dr.T.Pratheepan)
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Learning Management System (LMS)” at Trincomalee Campus on 2017.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Handling Technical Evaluation, BOS, payment, setting advanced and petty cash” on 2017, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus. Resource person-Mr.M.J.R.Bogamuwa, Internal auditor, University of Grants Commission
  • Participated in the Workshop “Ragging and Gender based Violence” on 2017 at Trincomalee Campus. Resource persons are Dr.C.Abeysinghe and Dr.S.Sutharsan
  • Participated in the Strategic Plan Meeting on 2017 at JKAB hotel, Trincomalee.
  • Attend the Management Committee meeting on 2016 at Eastern University Of Sri Lanka
  • Participated in the Workshop “Procurement Procedures” on 2016, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus. Resource Person Mr.M.M.Mohamed Fareez, Acting Bursar, Eastern University Of Sri Lanka
  • Attend the 15th meeting of Management Committee of the Centre for External Degree and Extension on 2016 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Academic Writing” on 2016, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus. Resource Person Prof. Jeyadeva Uyanggoda, University of Colombo
  • Participated in the “Amos Workshop” on 2016 at Trincomalee Campus. Resource Person Dr.A.Pushpanathan, vavuniya campus
  • Participated in the CIMA Workshop with students on 2016 at Trincomalee Campus.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Sri Lanka Qualification Framework for management faculties in the University system” held on 2016 at Auditorium of the University Grants Commission.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Factor Analysis and ANOVA” on 2016, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus. Resource Person Prof. B. Nimalathasan, University of Jaffna
  • Participated the work shop on “ Roles of Academic Staff in University System” on 2016, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus, resource person Prof.Gamini De Alwis
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Student Counseling” on 2016, conduct by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus, resource person Dr.BMK Perera/Former Director, Career Guidance Unit, University of Peradeniya.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Program design, development and approval-7 stages”, conducted by Staff Development Center /Eastern University of Sri Lanka on 2016. Resource person Prof.Umakumarasamy.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Personality Development and enhancing communication skills”, conducted by Trincomalee Campus on 2015. Resource Person Mr.Riaz Hassen, CEO/ Managing Director, Colombo Leadership Academy.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Course Design and Lesson preparation on 2015 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka”. Resource Person. Prof.Umakumarasamy and Dr.Gayathry Jeyathilaka
  • Attend the Workshop on “SPSS for Analysis” on 2015, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus
  • Participated in the work shop on “Overview of Research”, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus on 2015 at Computer Lab. Resource Person Prof.Ranjith Premalal De Silva.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Qualitative Research”, conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee campus on 2015. Resource Person, Prof Sivyoganathan , Peradeniya University
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Awareness Programme on Internal Quality Assurance, Institutional Review and Sri Lanka Qualification Framework” on 2015 at Eastern University Of Sri Lanka. Resource Person, Prof. Kalyani Perera, Prof. Umakumaraswamy, Dr.Gominda Ponneperuma and Prof H.Abeygunawardena.
  • Participated in the work shop on “Academic Teaching and Research” on 2015. Conducted by Staff Development Center, Trincomalee Campus. Resource Person Prof.Ranjith Premalal De Silva
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Training Programme on Instructional Design and lesson Writing” on 2015 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  • Participated the Workshop on “Training Programme on Instructional Design and lesson Writing” (series) on 2015 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  • Participated the Workshop on “ Research Guidance” on 2015, conducted by Staff Development Center Trincomalee Campus, Resource Person Prof. Ranjith Premalal De Silva
  • Attend the curriculum evaluation committee meeting on 2015 at board room, Eastern University Of Sri Lanka
  • Participated in the “Strategic Planning Workshop” on 2015 at Trincomalee Campus
  • Participated in the “Seminar through Video Conference on Extreme Weather Hazards and Research Opportunities”, conducted by Faculty of Applied Science, Trincomalee Campus on 2015. Resource Person-Prof. Dr.Chandima Gomes, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University Putra Malaysia.
  • Participated in the Workshop on “Introduction of EDP Quality Manuals (QA-EDP and QA-ETI Manual) to Higher Management, Academics and Administration Staff of Universities”, conducted by Eastern University on 2015 at Hotel East Lagoon, Batticaloa. Resource Person-Prof.H.Abeygunawardena and Prof.Uma kumaraswamy.
  • Participated in the meeting with Prof.Abeyagunawardana/Consultant EDP Grant to discuss the matter related to EDP program on 2014 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  • Attended the Workshop on “Personality Development and Enhancing Communication Skill”, conducted by IDAS, Trincomalee Campus. Resource person –Dr.N.K.Silva Vice Chairman/ Managing Director on 2014.
  • Conduct and participated the “Stakeholder Meeting under the EDP Grant- 1st and 2nd round at Trincomalee Campus on 2014. Resource Person- Mr.Antony Andrew / Eastern University of Sri Lanka (Coordinator/EDP)
  • Attended the Workshop on “Curriculum Revision for BSc in Management and MSc in Management” at Board room FCBS, Trincomalee Campus on 2014.
  • Attended the Workshop for “Launching of Quality Assurance System for External Degree”, at Hotel Galathari, Colombo on 2014.
  • Attended the Workshop of “Usage of Statistical Package in Different Application”, conduct by Staff Development Center at CICT, Eastern University of Sri Lanka on 2014.
  • Participated in the discussion of CBMIS (Cloud Based Management Information System) data collection templates at board room, Rector Office, Trincomalee Campus on 2014.
  • Attended the Workshop on “Capital Market” held on 2014 at Auditorium Trincomalee Campus. It was conducted by Securities and Exchange Commission, Sri Lanka.
  • Attended the 2nd Strategic plan meeting on 2014, at Trincomalee Campus.
  • Attended the Second Discussion of Curriculum Revision for B.Sc in Management and M.Sc in Management at University of Jeyawardenapura on 2014.
  • Attended the Workshop on “Reminding of Workshop on Strategic Planning and Student Centered Learning” on 2014 at Eastern University Of Sri Lanka. Resource persons are Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawaratne/Secretary, Ministry of Education.
  • Attended the work shop on “ How to progress to achieve success” on 2013 at Trincomalee Campus
  • Attended the Workshop on “Curriculum Revision for Academics and Stakeholders” on 2013,at Trincomalee Campus.
  • Conducted and Attended the Staff Development Center Workshop of “Non Violent Communication” on 2013 at Business and Management Studies Seminar room Trincomalee Campus.
  • Participated in the Staff Development Center work shop “Curriculum Development” at Eastern University Of Sri Lanka on 2012
  • Participated in the curriculum development meeting “ Strengthen the faculty of Communication and Business Studies” at rector office on 2012
  • Training program on “Positive attitudes and implementation of 5 S” concept at viewing room on 2012
  • Participated in the work shop on “subject review process and quality related issues in Higher Education”, organized by QAA Council of the UGC, resource person-Prof. Colin N. Peiris on 2012, at Trincomalee Campus
  • Participated in the student work shop on “ Entrepreneurship and skill development “ on 2012, conducted by career guidance unit, Trincomalee Campus
  • Participated in the Workshop on 2011 at Chaaya BLU conducted by USAID core project.
  • Participated in the SPSS work shop at Eastern University of Sri Lanka on 2011.
  • Participated in the Workshop for “Discussion on Master Plan”, at Trincomalee Campus, on 2011.
  • Participated in the third year student work shop “CIMA Awareness Program” at Trincomalee Campus on 2011.
  • Participated in the student Workshop on “Research Methodology Year III Semester II, (2007/08) Accounting majoring” on 2011.
Knowledge Dissemination to the General Public
  • Appointed as a Post of Academic Service Provider, External Studies Unit, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies-Diploma in HRM-Batch-I in 2021 Prepared proposal for “Diploma in Human Resource Management” for External Degree Programme. It was awarded and program started on Feb/2021. Appointed as a Resource Person for “Management Training Package for new graduate appointees for the government Service” ,(Major areas are covered Organizational Behavior/HRM/Stress Management/Communication Skills) in 2020 Resource Person for Workshop on “University Application and Course Selection Procedure held at T/R.K.M Sri Koneswara Hindu College on 2017. Resource Person for conduct the Seminar for G.C.E (A/L)-2016 Commerce Stream Students on 2016. Resource person for “Awareness of University Entrance and Career Planning” on May/2016 at St. Mary’s College, Trincomalee Visiting Academic for External Degree Programme in 2012, Trincomalee Campus. Visiting Academic for the academic year 2010/11 in ESBM Programme in 2010,Trincomalee Campus Study Centre
  • Process and perspective of Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Training and Development
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Productivity Management
  • Management Information System
  • Marketing
  • E-World
  • Small Business Management
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Grievances Handling & Discipline Management
  • Management & Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Health and Safety Management
  • Communication and Conflict Management
  • Capacity Building and Negotiation Skills