Visit to Brandix Apparel Limited, Batticaloa

The Department of Business and Management Studies organized an industrial visit for the students in Total Quality Management (BMT 3033) to enhance their understanding of the practical application of total quality management concepts in the real world. Students were allowed to visit Brandix Apparel Limited, Batticaloa, on 10 August 2023. There were 58 students participated in the industrial visit. Further, there were three lecturers, namely Mr V.Jeniston Delima, Ms. Arthika Rajaratnam, and Mrs. Nishanthini Andrew participated in the field visit along with the course lecturer, Mr N.Thevanes. This industrial visit was facilitated by the career guidance unit, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, based on the Memorandum of Understanding between Eastern University, Sri Lanka and Brandix Apparel Limited, Batticaloa.

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